BCTeam Update: Pitch Outcomes Tab


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Feb 27, 2025



Today we launched one of the best BCTeam updates to date. This new pitcher profile tab, Pitch Outcomes, combines features previously found in the Pitch Arsenal and Plate Discipline sections. We realized that so much of the information from these two pages overlap with and relate to each other that we needed to combine them into one page. Thus, Pitch Outcomes was born.

BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech
BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech

This page focuses on how a pitcher uses his arsenal against righty and lefty hitters, in different counts, and in different situations; and breaks down the effectiveness of each scenario. This new page also allows the user to not have to filter as much by providing splits and count information side-by-side.

BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech
BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech

The trend chart allows coaches and players to track different metrics like velocity, break, and spin efficiency over the course of the season and analyze characteristics on a pitch-by-pitch basis. This way pitchers will be able to see if the axis on their Slider has changed over the past month or if their velocity has trended down recently due to fatigue.

BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech

Plate Discipline tables are prevalent on this page as well that provide insights on strike rates, whiff rates, and contact rates. These tables also break down pitch location for in zone, edge (ball in, ball out), inside, high, and low in relation to the team average and D1 average.

BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech
BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech

Strike Zones that isolate each pitch type are found on the Pitch Outcomes page making it easier to evaluate pitch performance and location for swings, balls in play, and contact type.

BCTeam, Pitch arenal, plate disclipline, Yakkertech, strike zones

As summer comes to a close, we are gearing up for fall baseball to provide our coaches and players with the most useful platform to make player development more efficient and scouting more effective.